Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Application 1: Playing with the Cultures/Hopscotch 2/A

 Which norms and cultural values does the game include?     
  • To determine in which turns the children play,the children count with chants. By this means children learn new chants.
  • To develop children's social communication.
  • The ability to line up and raising the awareness of lining up and keeping their lines.

Balkanlar Private Primary School students gained new information about the game and made them into a presentation. Here are some shots from that presentation in class.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Activity:1 Outdoor Games / Violet (Preparation) 3-B

Our students  researched  the games which their parents used to play. 'Violet (Menekşe)' is one of these games.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Activity 1 Outdoor Games/ Grabbing the Handkerchief (Preparation) 3-A

The cultural aim of the game:

The aim is to make children learn and play the games which were played in the past and transfer them to the future. the students in the class 3-A researched the game called Grabbing the Handkerchief (Mendil Kapmaca) and they made a presentation about it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Activity :1 Outdoor Games / Hey Rabbit Run Away! 1-B ( Preparation)

Activity :1 Outdoor Games / "Hey Rabbit Run Away!" 1-B (preparation )

The culturel aim of the game:  We aim to remember the street games. The goal is to replay  and transfer the games which were played in  past. Thus,

 We, class 1-B did some research about  the game " Hey Rabbit Run Away"  and shared the information that we  got from our research.

Activity :1 Outdoor Games / The Per-Shopkeeper / 1-C (Preparation)

Activity :1 Outdoor Games /Per-Shopkeeper 1-C (preparation )

The culturel aim of the game:  We aim to remember the street games. The goal is to replay  and transfer the games which were played in  past. Thus,
 We, class 1-C did some research about  the game " Per-Shopkeeper"  and shared the information that we  got from our research.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Activity :1 Outdoor Games / Puss in the corner

 Activity 1: Outdoor Games  \ 1-A    "Puss in  the corner "

The culturel aim of the game:  We aim to remember the street games. The goal is to replay  and transfer the games which were played in  past. Thus, We, class 1-A did some research about  the game "Puss in  the corner first"  and shared the information that we  got from our research.